Monday, January 14, 2008

This morning, I woke early. I had a strange feeling that I had over the weekend, as well. I felt giddy and lightheaded. My body was still resting. My brain felt like it was going a mile a minute, but without thinking anything. I don't like this feeling, whatever it is. I didn't have the now-longed-for feeling of withdrawal from nicotine that I had last week, but that is largely because I've slacked off on swatting my bed. Still, every night I come home, my room is full of pipe smoke. Friday night, the smoke from home fires was so thick, you could see car headlight beams shine through it, so I didn't even fan out my room until much later. I just sat there in the smoke. Saturday and Sunday I woke up and started reading, without getting out of bed. Bad idea. Inevitably, I would turn this way and that, causing my matress, covers, etc., to exude tobacco smoke, which I then inhaled. Shit!

Yesterday, I bought a Dust Devil to deal with the heater at work. But today, when I got here, the smell was gone. Not particularly surprising, given that the heater is off during the weekend. Now it's back, but it seems less bad than it was.

I checked the theater website - The Violin did play Saturday night! Did I read the paper incorrectly? They have f---ed their listing before.

Dell's & DHL's automated systems say a second box is set to arrive today.

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